Unfolding is a spiral…

Did you know some transformational processes include rage? How could they not if we are putting ourselves back together in a system designed to crush the tenderest parts of ourselves?

They include reconnecting to ourselves. Surrendering to Life. For we aren’t in control. We need to figure out how to Align ourselves with needs for connection, community, and vulnerability. With the flow of life. Vulnerability is, actually, a super-power. How do we embrace this?

(R)evolution is not a linear process. It is more spiral than line.

How do we choose to continue to fold inward?

How do we deepen?

What are the doorways to our own becoming?

How do we go deep not just wide?

How do we sink roots into the depths?

What is the experience of real community?

This journey therefore is a journey of developing deeper relationship with self, with others, with the Living World.

How do you create a life that feeds your soul?

When we think about spiritual practice, it’s not just about the repetition. Each time you do it, you are looking for depth and meaning.

It’s a practice.

How can we be in a place of ease as much as possible?

How do we align ourselves with the journey we need?

These are the questions I’d like to hold with you.

I’m a highly trained, accredited, and experienced Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Transformational Coach, Restorative Practices curator, and a spiritual initiate.

Yet mostly I’m a vibrant Black woman on a journey of reclaiming sovereignty,

and helping others do the same.

(Re)discover your live edge.